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6.4 magnitude quake leaves one dead in Puerto Rico: media

A strong 6.4 magnitude earthquake that struck south of Puerto Rico early Tuesday killed at least one person, according to local media, as a series of tremors caused widespread damage across the US territory.

Strong quake sends people out of malls in south Philippines

A strong earthquake jolted the southern Philippines on Sunday, causing a three-story building to collapse and prompting people to rush out of shopping malls, houses and other buildings in panic, officials said.

Quake rattles Tuscany, no injuries reported

An earthquake struck Tuscany north of Florence on Monday, sending frightened people into the street in the middle of the night, opening up cracks in walls and damaging a church.

Shallow tremor rocks quake-hit area of Pakistan

A shallow tremor Thursday sent terrified residents of northeastern Pakistan onto the streets, days after a powerful quake killed 38 people and caused widespread damage in the area.

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