Inventors say Hydra offers clean water, hope for villages

The hose took brownish water from the scummy Schuylkill River in Philadelphia to a strange apparatus on the bank -- a trailer with a solar panel, a hydrogen tank, and other odd parts with flashing digital readouts.

Purdue membrane technology could help cleanup oil spills

( -- A new type of membrane that separates oil from water developed by Purdue University material engineers may be used to clean up oil spills such as BP's massive spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

Gold nanoparticles enrich every day products

( -- Durable paint, water purification, faster computers, tougher shoe soles, and lighter and cheaper televisions are all possibilities now that a Queensland University of Technology (QUT) scientist has discovered ...

How China's massive water transfer shapes drinking water quality

Dissolved organic matter (DOM), originating from both natural and human activities, is a complex mixture of organic substances that can vary by season, location, and environmental conditions. DOM impacts the coagulation process, ...

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