Decoupling electronic and thermal transport

A new University of Wollongong study overcomes a major challenge of thermoelectric materials, which can convert heat into electricity and vice versa, improving conversion efficiency by more than 60%.

A Plug-and-play approach to integrated nanoacoustics

From taut strings vibrating in musical instruments to micro-electro-mechanical systems for optoelectronics, vibrations cover an extensive range of applications. At the nanoscale, the study of mechanical vibrations poses several ...

Calcium bursts kill drug-resistant tumor cells

Multidrug resistance (MDR)—a process in which tumors become resistant to multiple medicines—is the main cause of failure of cancer chemotherapy. Tumor cells often acquire MDR by boosting their production of proteins that ...

Researchers explore pollen fertilization mechanisms

A group of researchers from four countries has worked out exactly how a pollen tube, the plant cell that emerges from a grain of pollen, grows up to a thousand-fold to reach an ovule deep inside the flower. The key to this ...

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