Thirteen new pulsars discovered with MeerKAT

Using the MeerKAT radio telescope, an international team of astronomers has detected 13 new pulsars in the globular cluster NGC 1851. Twelve of them turned out to be millisecond pulsars (MSPs). The discovery was reported ...

Tiny star unleashes gargantuan beam of matter, anti-matter

Astronomers have imaged a beam of matter and antimatter that is 40 trillion miles long with NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory. The record-breaking beam is powered by a pulsar, a rapidly rotating collapsed star with a strong ...

New 'black widow' millisecond pulsar discovered

An international team of astronomers reports the detection of a new millisecond pulsar (MSP) using the Green Bank Telescope (GBT). The newfound pulsar, designated PSR J1555−2908, turns out to be one of the so-called "black ...

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