Australian open-access research plan isn't risk-free

Chief Scientist Cathy Foley is leading an open access strategy for Australia. Foley estimates the Australian government invests A$12 billion a year of public money in research and innovation only for most of the publications ...

Remote detection of viruses on surfaces

Researchers from the Universidad de Sevilla (University of Seville) have developed and patented a prototype to detect remotely viruses (including synthetic SARS-CoV-2) deposited on surfaces, analyzing images taken at multiple ...

800 million people now using 'Asian Englishes' on a regular basis

An estimated 280 million people in India, as well as 280 million in China, regularly speak English. If ASEAN and other Asian countries are included, the tally reaches an astonishing 800 million people now using "Asian Englishes" ...

The impact of human mobility on disease spread

Due to continual improvements in transportation technology, people travel more extensively than ever before. Although this strengthened connection between faraway countries comes with many benefits, it also poses a serious ...

Medieval blue dye's molecular structure identified

A team of researchers affiliated with several institutions in Portugal has identified the molecular structure of folium, a blue watercolor dye used by medieval artists and book publishers. In their paper published in the ...

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