NYC park study compares crime reports, kids' park use

The more crime reported in the neighborhood, the fewer elementary-age kids play in New York City parks—especially girls. That's the finding of a recent study that compared park use with police reports made one week, one ...

Research links negativity bias, investment apprehension

What do your worries about public health have to do with your financial well-being? Maybe a lot more than you realize, according to new research from Colorado State University's College of Business.

Immigrants: Citizens' acceptance depends on questions asked

How many immigrants per year should Switzerland be prepared to welcome? Do the figures put forward by political parties and conveyed by the media play a role in influencing public opinion? Psychologists from the University ...

Crepidula onyx resilient towards microplastic diet

Coastal marine organisms are hit hard by pollution and global climate change stress. Perhaps a result of publication bias, studies often focus on species that are negatively impacted. However, to better understand how the ...

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