Poverty-level wages cost U.S. taxpayers $153 billion every year

While the U.S. economy rebounds, persistent low wages are costing taxpayers approximately $153 billion every year in public support to working families, including $25 billion at the state level, according to a new report ...

The stress of work becomes social issue

The sharp rise in work stress in Britain is becoming a major social problem in the current economic crisis, a new British Academy report has found.

Wealthy Kiwis are driving up transport emissions, study finds

The well off are contributing more than their fair share of greenhouse gas emissions from transport, driving more frequently and over longer distances, according to a new study. The work is published in the journal Travel ...

Utilities see new costs in proposed PFAS water rule

The EPA's long-anticipated proposal to regulate a new category of toxic substances in drinking water may shift the financial burden onto utilities and ratepayers, industry groups warned.

Officials: A dam in Oregon could fail in a large earthquake

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has determined that a large earthquake—which is expected to occur again in the Pacific Northwest sooner or later—could cause the spillway gates of a dam in Oregon to buckle, resulting ...

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