The ethical slipperiness of hoaxes

Hoaxes sure can stir up a lot of emotion, can't they? We tend to have a quick reaction to them, and they flush out differences in values quickly, too.

Who do Australians trust on 'toxic news'?

State governments and industry need to lift their game if they are to win public trust and support for the clean-up of polluted industrial sites in the local neighbourhood.

Public participation should be at the heart of big data projects

Public participation should be at the heart of big data projects in health care and biomedical research, according to the findings of a new report by the Nuffield Council on Bioethics. The report calls for greater transparency ...

Public trust has dwindled with rise in income inequality

Trust in others and confidence in societal institutions are at their lowest point in over three decades, analyses of national survey data reveal. The findings are forthcoming in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association ...

30 Meter Telescope oral arguments set for Dec.

Oral arguments are scheduled to begin Dec. 13 for a legal case challenging Hawaii's decision to grant a permit for the construction of the world's largest optical telescope at the summit of Mauna Kea.

Obama orders creation of intelligence review group

President Barack Obama is directing his national intelligence director to form a panel of outside experts to review government intelligence and communications technologies.

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