Beliefs in conspiracy theories may not be increasing

A new analysis contradicts popular thinking about beliefs in conspiracy theories, suggesting that such beliefs may not have actually increased over time. Joseph Uscinski of the University of Miami, Florida, and colleagues ...

Exploring the reality of unread Stasi files

Many people—including public figures such as Nobel Laureate Günter Grass, former West German chancellor Helmut Schmidt, and trade union leader Claus Weselsky—choose not to read their Stasi files. How can this behavior ...

Trust in science rose in Germany after onset of COVID-19 pandemic

Surveys conducted in Germany suggest that public trust in science rose after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, while revealing different patterns of trust among different subpopulations. Rainer Bromme of the University ...

Study: Abortion views closely tied to views on race, religion

A new study finds that public attitudes about abortion are closely tied to both religious beliefs and attitudes about race. The study provides the first empirical evidence of the strong relationship between racial attitudes ...

Survey finds strong support for same-sex marriage

(—A Brown University survey of Rhode Island voters finds that 60.4 percent of respondents favor extending the right to marry to gay and lesbian couples, a number nearly identical to a survey conducted by Brown ...

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