Study examines attitudes toward non-native birds

A new study from scientists at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology examines public attitudes toward non-native bird species and whether people are willing to manage them to protect native cavity-nesting birds, such as Eastern ...

Most Europeans want governments to help the homeless

The majority of European citizens hold positive attitudes toward people who are homeless and wish that European states would do more to reduce it, according to a study published September 25 in the open-access journal PLOS ...

Study: Poor women are more hopeful than poor men

According to a new study by researchers from the Finnish National Institute for Health and Welfare, poor men's future outlooks are much shorter that poor women's. Poor men also experience more profound worthlessness than ...

Public dread of nuclear power limits its deployment

In the ongoing effort to decarbonize U.S. energy production, there is one energy source that often attracts great controversy. Nuclear power has been a part of the American energy portfolio since the 1950s and still generates ...

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