Why students cheat in online exams

Media psychologists at the University of Cologne have studied how students' individual needs, conceptions and reasons relate to cheating behavior in online exams.

The accuracy of self-estimation in evaluating technology use

In a recent study examining the accuracy of self-estimation in evaluating technology use, researchers analyzed data from more than 300 iPhone users in China. The findings indicate a moderate correlation between self-reported ...

What makes sustainable consumption so difficult?

While many people want to achieve major long-term goals—such as improving their diet, quitting smoking or adopting a more sustainable lifestyle—they often find it difficult to do so. Is it all down to a lack of self-discipline? ...

Mental health in the workplace is an ongoing challenge

In Quebec workplaces, psychological distress and psychotropic drug use have fallen back to prepandemic levels, but symptoms of depression, anxiety and burnout have become more widespread.

Gay men discriminate against feminine gay men, new study finds

Both gay men and heterosexual men prefer masculine-presenting men for high-status roles, according to a new study from the University of Sydney, leaving more feminine-presenting gay men disadvantaged and facing internal bias, ...

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