Related topics: protein

Protein extremes gain relevance in massive proteomic studies

Researchers at University of Ghent, Belgium, and Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB, Spain) develop a new procedure to identify the two extremes of protein molecules and their processing and maturing in in-vivo and ex-vivo ...

New shortcut to cell growth

People have them, cats have them and whales have some, too. Neurons, those interlinked nerve cells that carry sensations including pain, stretch from our spinal cords to the tips of our toes, paws or fins. According to a ...

New evidence that chili pepper ingredient fights fat

Scientists are reporting new evidence that capsaicin, the stuff that gives chili peppers their kick, may cause weight loss and fight fat buildup by triggering certain beneficial protein changes in the body. Their study, which ...

Little-known mouth fluid may lead to test for gum disease

A little-known fluid produced in tiny amounts in the gums, those tough pink tissues that hold the teeth in place, has become a hot topic for scientists trying to develop an early, non-invasive test for gum disease, the No. ...

Toward a urine test for detecting colon cancer

Scientists are reporting an advance toward development of a urine test for detecting colon cancer, the third most common cancer in the United States. Such a test could eventually compliment or even reduce the need for colonoscopy, ...

New biomarkers for predicting the spread of colon cancer

Scientists in China are reporting discovery of two proteins present in the blood, of people with colon cancer that may serve as the potential biomarkers for accurately predicting whether the disease will spread. Their study ...

Simplest bacteria unravelled at the cellular level

Even the simplest cell appears to be far more complex than researchers had imagined. In a series of three articles in the journal Science, researchers including Vera van Noort at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory ...

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