Nobel pioneers unlocked the cell door

For most of the 20th century, scientists were puzzled by how cells in our body are able to sense and react to external conditions.

A step ahead in pharmaceutical research

Hormones and other neurotransmitters, but also drugs, act upon receptors. "Their active substances bind to the receptors and modify the three-dimensional receptor arrangement regulating the downstream signal pathways," says ...

Focus on kinetics for better drug development

Potential drugs that seem promising in the lab, but don't show any activity in a person: they cost the industry an incredible amount of time and money. That's why Indira Nederpelt focuses on a more efficient search for new ...

Researchers develop chemically specialised germanium surface

Researchers at the Ruhr Universität Bochum have developed a new method for attaching proteins to the surface of germanium crystals – for the first time also membrane proteins. This enables time-resolved tracking of the ...

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