Cell lesson: better coordinated than isolated

A new study led by Juana Díez, principal investigator of the Department of Experimental and Health Sciences (DCEXS) at UPF, has found a new system in cells that makes them more robust against possible alterations in the ...

The quest for the missing proteins in rice

Researchers have identified over 5,700 new proteins in rice and are calling for a global effort to find the remaining missing proteins, in a new study co-authored by Macquarie University.

Novel probe for metabolic diseases

NUS pharmaceutical scientists have developed a simple, yet highly sensitive probe to detect the fat mass and obesity-associated protein (FTO) levels in cells. This can potentially help in the early detection and diagnosis ...

New beacons light up the interior

LMU's Ralf Jungmann develops modes of microscopy that can resolve cellular structures with dimensions on the order of nanometers. He has now succeeded in imaging actin networks in cells in greater detail than before.

High yield, protein with soybean gene

Leftovers can be quite valuable. For instance, when soybean seed is crushed and the oil extracted, what's left is called soybean meal. You'll want to save this leftover.

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