How proteins roll the dice to determine bee sex

To date it has been unclear exactly how the sex of a bee is determined. A research team from Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (HHU) including biologists and chemists has now identified a key gene and the molecular mechanism ...

New 'radar' detects active cellular destroyers

Cells in the human body must adapt their protein balance to certain situations, such as the availability of iron or an infection. These adaptations occur through a complex process in which proteins that are no longer needed ...

Blue light: An on-off switch for enzymes

Light affects living organisms in many different ways, for example, plants orient their growth direction towards the sun, while circadian rhythms in humans are controlled by daylight. These processes always involve photoreceptors, ...

Study uncovers the secrets of plant regeneration

Plants have the unique ability to regenerate entirely from a somatic cell, i.e., an ordinary cell that does not typically participate in reproduction. This process involves the de novo (or new) formation of a shoot apical ...

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