A lack of structure facilitates protein synthesis

Having an easily accessible starting point on messenger RNA increases protein formation, scientists from the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology in Potsdam have discovered.

Scientists ratchet up understanding of cellular protein factory

(PhysOrg.com) -- Theoretical biologists at Los Alamos National Laboratory have used a New Mexico supercomputer to aid an international research team in untangling another mystery related to ribosomes -- those enigmatic jumbles ...

Genetic mechanisms of coral metamorphosis identified

Researchers have identified the gene expression regulation mechanisms that drive the metamorphosis of coral from larvae that float freely in the ocean to sedentary adult reef builder adults.

New protein regulated by cellular starvation

Researchers at the Center of Genomic Integrity, within the Institute for Basic Science (IBS), have found out an unexpected role for a protein involved in the DNA repair mechanism. The protein SHPRH not only helps to fix mistakes ...

Blowfly protein key to terror poison antidote

A protein that costs the Australian sheep industry hundreds of millions of dollars each year may also pave the way to an antidote for chemical warfare agents.

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