Antibody biosensor offers unlimited point-of-care drug monitoring

Being able to monitor drug concentration in the blood of a patient is an important aspect of any pharmaceutical treatment. However, this requires equipment and facilities that are often missing from field healthcare in developing ...

Newly discovered malaria mechanism gives hope to pregnant women

Resistance to malaria drugs means that pregnant women are unable to overcome the anaemia caused by the malaria parasite – and their babies are born undersized. A study carried out at Karolinska Institutet, however, exposes ...

Focus on kinetics for better drug development

Potential drugs that seem promising in the lab, but don't show any activity in a person: they cost the industry an incredible amount of time and money. That's why Indira Nederpelt focuses on a more efficient search for new ...

This is LSD attached to a brain cell serotonin receptor (Update)

A tiny tab of acid on the tongue. A daylong trip through hallucinations and assorted other psychedelic experiences For the first time, researchers at the UNC School of Medicine have discovered precisely what the drug lysergic ...

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