New research shows how octopuses may have evolved

A new paper in Genome Biology and Evolution indicates that a type of octopus appears to have evolved independently to develop something resembling a shell, despite having lost the genetic code that produced actual shells ...

How cells turn independent and regulate functions

With his thesis, Jacob Lewerentz, Department of Molecular Biology at Umeå University, contributes to the knowledge about how cells regulate their protein level and adapt to a new milieu outside their organism. He has also ...

Team creates first ever VX neurotoxin detector

City College of New York associate professor of physics Ronald Koder and his team at the Koder Lab are advancing the field of molecular detection by developing the first proteins that can detect a deadly nerve agent called ...

Edible, fluorescent silk tags can suss out fake medications

Recent developments such as the explosion of online pharmacies and supply chain issues have made it easier for counterfeiters to profit from fake or adulterated medications. Now, researchers reporting in ACS Central Science ...

Expanding the genetic code with quadruplet codons

One of modern biologists' most ambitious goals is to learn how to expand or otherwise modify the genetic code of life on Earth, in order to make new, artificial life forms. Part of the motivation for this "synthetic biology" ...

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