Researchers piece together how proteins fold

( -- A new method for looking at how proteins fold inside mammal cells could one day lead to better flu vaccines, among other practical applications, say Cornell researchers.

Protein knots gain new evolutionary significance

( -- A new study suggests that protein knots, a structure whose formation remains a mystery, may have specific functional advantages that depend on the nature of the protein's architecture.

Diatom biosensor could shine light on future nanomaterials

( -- A glow coming from the glassy shell of microscopic marine algae called diatoms could someday help us detect chemicals and other substances in water samples. And the fact that this diatom can glow in response ...

Evolution provides clue to blood clotting

A simple cut to the skin unleashes a complex cascade of chemistry to stem the flow of blood. Now, scientists at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have used evolutionary clues to reveal how a key clotting ...

Gently unfolding proteins to watch them refold

( -- How does a protein chain fold into the same 3-D shape each time and not something disfunctional or dangerous? A new study shows that the first fold is critical. The finding by Susan Marqusee and Carlos Bustamante ...

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