An examination of federal personnel changes in the Trump era

According to a new analysis, the total number of people employed full-time by the U.S. federal government remained largely unchanged by the end of the Trump administration, but with significant variation in growth, downsizing, ...

Reconciling coastal protection and water management

A quiet but constant crackling is in the air. It sounds like bubbles in a fizzy drink and accompanies anyone who walks along the wooden footbridge that crosses the Langwarder Groden, between the main dyke line and the summer ...

Subway stations near river tunnels have worst air quality

Subway riders waiting in stations near tunnels that run below the city's rivers are exposed to higher levels of hazardous pollutants than are found in other stations. The "river-tunnel effect," as researchers call it, may ...

Sea stars: The benthic equivalent to the polar bear

A national research group led by researchers at the University of Manitoba has shown that polar bears share the position of top predator of the coastal Arctic marine ecosystem with seastars.

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