Programming model for supercomputers of the future

The demand for even faster, more effective, and also energy-saving computer clusters is growing in every sector. The new asynchronous programming model GPI from Fraunhofer ITWM might become a key building block towards realizing ...

Twitter makes ad campaigns easier

Twitter on Wednesday made it easier to run ad campaigns using tweeted messages in a move that promised to ramp up the company's money-making potential and prospects for a stock market debut.

Judge hands Google victory in Oracle copyright fight

A federal judge on Thursday put a stake in the heart of Oracle's big-money lawsuit against Google by ruling that the application programming interfaces (APIs) at issue can't be copyrighted.

One app for a smooth multi-device user experience

How do you watch television? Perhaps you move from a traditional cable or satellite broadcast to a streaming service on your PC, tablet or phone? Or maybe you like to 'multi-task' during TV time, checking the news on your ...

Personal data revolution takes first step

A new way of managing personal information set to maximise people's chances of privacy is being developed by computer scientists, led by a researcher at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL).

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