Young Americans favor reforms, says national poll

The time has come for reform on how the United States deals with the electoral process, the environment and social justice, according to a new national poll released today by the UMass Lowell Center for Public Opinion that ...

Video: Artificial intelligence putting an end to poaching

When placed in protected areas, the TrailGuard artificial intelligence camera uses AI inference at the edge to detect possible poachers and alert park rangers in near real-time, allowing them to take action before animals ...

Sustainable 'plastics' are on the horizon

A new Tel Aviv University study describes a process to make bioplastic polymers that don't require land or fresh water—resources that are scarce in much of the world. The polymer is derived from microorganisms that feed ...

Painting a clearer picture of the heart with machine learning

Coronary artery disease (CAD) is a condition in which plaque forms on the walls of coronary arteries, causing them to narrow. Eventually, this could lead to a heart attack, or death. This condition is now the single largest ...

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