A universal framework for spatial biology

Biological processes are framed by the context they take place in. A new tool developed by the Stegle Group from EMBL Heidelberg and the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) helps put molecular biology research findings in ...

A roadmap to help AI technologies speak African languages

From text-generating ChatGPT to voice-activated Siri, artificial intelligence-powered tools are designed to aid our everyday life—as long as you speak a language they support. These technologies are out of reach for billions ...

Brightening dark excitons with photonic crystals

Researchers are working to improve 2D semiconductors by better understanding dark excitons and how they could be applied to future technologies ranging from quantum computers to next-generation solar panels.

A new tool for studying multiple characteristics of a single cell

Researchers from Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) developed new software that integrates a variety of information from a single cell, allowing researchers to see how ...

The importance of creative problem-solving in the workplace

Creativity in working life can be approached as a learning process. Researchers Soila Lemmetty and Kaija Collin from the University of Jyväskylä, Department of Education investigated what it means to be creative for experts ...

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