An ant-inspired approach to mathematical sampling

In a paper published by the Journal of The Royal Society Interface, a team of Bristol researchers observed the exploratory behavior of ants to inform the development of a more efficient mathematical sampling technique.

Optical strontium clock to become much more accurate

(—An optical clock with neutral strontium atoms is considered one of the top candidates for the definition of a "new" second. The probabilities have increased considerably, since its frequency will now be determined ...

Demonstrating the Mpemba effect in a controlled setting

A pair of physicists at Simon Fraser University has developed a means for demonstrating the Mpemba effect in a controlled setting. In their paper published in the journal Nature, Avinash Kumar and John Bechhoefer describe ...

Artificial intelligence predicts rogue waves of light

In a recent study published in Nature Communications, an international team of researchers from Tampere University of Technology (TUT), Finland, and the Institut FEMTO-ST at the Université Bourgogne-Franche Comté, France, ...

'Professor Risk' versus the psychic octopus

( -- Having devoted his career to using statistical analysis to make accurate predictions, Professor David Spiegelhalter will this week attempt to explain how Paul the 'psychic' octopus appears to be beating him ...

Why didn't Darwin discover Mendel's laws?

Mendel solved the logic of inheritance in his monastery garden with no more technology than Darwin had in his garden at Down House. So why couldn't Darwin have done it too? A Journal of Biology article argues that Darwin's ...

Introducing the largest quantum photonic processor to date

Quantum computers promise to propel computing far beyond what today's computers are capable of, but this potential has yet to be realized. In their search for a way to demonstrate quantum supremacy, researchers working in ...

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