Study shows that people organize daily travel efficiently

( —Studies of human mobility usually focus on either the small scale—determining the origins, destinations and travel modes of individuals' daily commutes—or the very large scale, such as using air-travel patterns ...

When leaving your wealth to your sister's children makes sense

In most human societies, men pass on their worldly goods to their wife's children. But in about ten percent of societies, men transfer their wealth to their sister's sons, a process called matrilineal inheritance. A new study ...

Optical strontium clock to become much more accurate

(—An optical clock with neutral strontium atoms is considered one of the top candidates for the definition of a "new" second. The probabilities have increased considerably, since its frequency will now be determined ...

Buildings key to beating earthquakes

Strong buildings in earthquake zones are by the best form of defence against tremors, University of Edinburgh expert says.

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