Related topics: facebook · google · personal data · privacy

Apple quashes apps that collect personal data

Apple is kicking out applications that collect personal data in violation of the company's privacy policies from its online store, the tech giant said Monday.

New federal requirements on cellphone surveillance

Federal law enforcement officials will be routinely required to get a search warrant before using secretive and intrusive cellphone-tracking technology under a new Justice Department policy announced Thursday.

Privacy notices online probably don't match your expectations

Consumers often complain that online companies violate their privacy—but the problem may be with the consumers themselves. According to a new study in the Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, there can be a big discrepancy ...

Know instantly how much privacy a website visit costs you

Providers do not keep secret how their websites use your personal information – it's always shown in their privacy policy. But hardly anybody ever reads that information. That's why PhD candidate Elisa Costante of TU/e ...

It's not just your TV listening in to your conversation

Be careful what you say in front of your new television, following reports that Samsung's new Smart TVs are now being programmed to listen to every word you say and send it over the internet to a third party cloud service.

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