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Google denies use of private data for mapping

(AP) -- Google representatives on Monday said the search engine company has not broken any laws with the collection of data for its mapping service, after Connecticut's attorney general pressed the company to "come clean ...

Conn. investigating Google's use of private data

(AP) -- Connecticut's attorney general says he's investigating whether Google illegally collected data from personal and business wireless computer networks for its mapping service.

German prosecutors probing Google's mapping breach

(AP) -- German prosecutors are investigating Google Inc. on suspicion it violated privacy laws when it recorded fragments of people's online activities through unsecured Wi-Fi networks.

German court overturns law on phone, e-mail data

(AP) -- Germany's highest court on Tuesday overturned a law that let anti-terror authorities retain data on telephone calls and e-mails, saying it posed a "grave intrusion" to personal privacy rights and must be revised.

Lawyers: Google execs not liable for abuse video

(AP) -- Four Google executives should not be held responsible for a video posted online that showed teenagers abusing an autistic youth in Turin, their lawyers argued Wednesday in an Italian court.

Web-monitoring software gathers data on kid chats

(AP) -- Parents who install a leading brand of software to monitor their kids' online activities may be unwittingly allowing the developer to gather marketing data from children as young as 7 - and to sell that information.

Google trial in Italy: freedom v. responsibility

(AP) -- Testimony begins Tuesday in the Italian trial of four Google executives accused of defamation and violating privacy for allowing a video to be posted online showing an autistic youth being abused.

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