Hidden citations in physics may obscure true impact

In the scientific literature, a citation acts as a mechanism to signal prior knowledge, enhance credibility, and protect against plagiarism. But it also gives credit to the individual or team who established or discovered ...

New technology unscrambles the chatter of microbes

Researchers from University of California San Diego, as part of a large collaboration with scientists around the world, have developed a new search tool to help researchers better understand the metabolism of microorganisms. ...

Machine learning enhances X-ray imaging of nanotextures

Using a combination of high-powered X-rays, phase-retrieval algorithms and machine learning, Cornell researchers revealed the intricate nanotextures in thin-film materials, offering scientists a new, streamlined approach ...

Imaging through random media using coherent averaging

A recent study affiliated with UNIST has introduced an effective method of restoring images distorted by fog. According to the research team, their method can also provide a breakthrough by exploiting the random fluctuations ...

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