Opening up the black box of heterogeneous catalysis

Researchers from ICIQ's López group present a new method that allows for the rational design of heterogeneous catalysts. After applying principal component analysis and regression (PCA) to the adsorption energies of 71 different ...

Genetic testing has a data problem. New software can help.

In recent years, the market for direct-to-consumer genetic testing has exploded. The number of people who used at-home DNA tests more than doubled in 2017, most of them in the U.S. About 1 in 25 American adults now know where ...

Who can sort the rain?

If you want to predict extreme rainstorms, it's vital you know how small processes, such as condensation, affect bigger systems. These small processes, however, are hard to study. To learn more about these microphysical processes, ...

Keeping an eye on the soundness of structures

Scientists at Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech) used synthetic-aperture radar data from four different satellites, combined with statistical methods, to determine the structural deformation patterns of the largest ...

Helping robots learn to see in 3-D

Autonomous robots can inspect nuclear power plants, clean up oil spills in the ocean, accompany fighter planes into combat and explore the surface of Mars.

Will Europe soon be cold?

What will the climate be like for Russia and Europe in 15 to 20 years? Will there be weather abnormalities in the coming decades? Will some areas experience increasingly severe winters, while the others experience hot summers? ...

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