Strategies for detecting and preventing pet cancer

According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, roughly 1 in 5 cats and 1 in 4 dogs will, at some point in their life, develop tumors, with estimations that almost half of dogs over the age of 10 will develop a ...

Women want to ride a bike without fear of injury and harassment

Despite the health and environmental benefits of getting on a bike, in Melbourne, twice as many men ride bikes as women. A new study by Monash University has uncovered both why this is the case, and how it can be reversed.

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Preventive medicine

Preventive medicine or preventive care refers to measures taken to prevent illness or injury, rather than curing them. It can be contrasted not only with curative medicine, but also with public health methods (which work at the level of population health rather than individual health). This takes place at primary, secondary and tertiary prevention levels.

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