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Social instability lies ahead, researcher says

Cliodynamics is a new "transdisciplinary discipline" that treats history as just another science. Ten years ago I started applying its tools to the society I live in: the United States. What I discovered alarmed me.

Perfect NCAA bracket? Near impossible, mathematician says

The odds of picking a perfect bracket for the NCAA men's basketball March Madness championship tournament are a staggering less than one in 9.2 quintillion (that's 9,223,372,036,854,775,808), according to Jeff Bergen, mathematics ...

Data scientists build more honest prediction models

On Nov. 3, 2020—and for many days after—millions of people kept a wary eye on the presidential election prediction models run by various news outlets. With such high stakes in play, every tick of a tally and twitch of ...

How big data can be used to understand major events

With the most unpredictable UK general election looming in modern times, how can big data be used to understand how elections are covered by the media? New research has for the first time analysed over 130,000 online news ...

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