Religious New Zealanders most tolerant of Muslims

New Zealanders are highly accepting of religious diversity, yet some groups are the targets of more prejudice than others, researchers at Victoria University of Wellington and the University of Auckland have found.

Postcode lottery for race relations

People's racial prejudices are influenced by where they live, reports a new study led by Oxford University psychologists.

The hidden agenda of Obama's opposition

Is the US Tea Party movement a racial backlash against President Obama? A new study by Angie Maxwell from the University of Arkansas, and Wayne Parent from Louisiana State University, assesses whether racial attitudes are ...

Study finds minorities pay more for housing than whites

( —Black and Hispanic homebuyers paid about 3.5 percent more for comparable homes in four metropolitan U.S. markets than white buyers did, according to a Duke University-led analysis of more than 2 million home ...

3Qs: Obama administration fights gay marriage ban

The Department of Justice has filed an amicus brief asking the Supreme Court to strike down California's ban on same-sex marriage, arguing that it violates the Constitution's equal protection clause. Northeastern University ...

Apple to drop patent claims against Samsung phone

Apple has agreed to drop its patent claims against Samsung's Galaxy S III Mini after the South Korean rival said it would not sell the gadget in the United States, a court filing showed Friday.

Discrimination from one's manager really bites

Mental health workers are more likely to be depressed or anxious when they experience discrimination from their managers than when it comes from patients, a study has found.

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