Upping the power triggers an ordered helical plasma

If you keep twisting a straight elastic string, at some moment it starts kinking in a wild way. Something similar occurs when one increases the electrical current flowing in a magnetized plasma doughnut: it takes on a wild ...

Cattle respond to magnetic fields from power lines

(AP) -- High-voltage power lines mess with animal magnetism. Researchers, who reported last year that most cows and deer tend to orient themselves in a north-south alignment, have now found that power lines can disorient ...

Unraveling a puzzle to speed the development of fusion energy

Researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory have developed an effective computational method to simulate the crazy-quilt movement of free electrons during experimental efforts ...

The science behind northern lights

(Phys.org)—Northern night skies have recently been alive with light. Those shimmering curtains get their start about 93 million miles away, on the sun.

Strong solar flare erupts from sun

The sun emitted a strong solar flare, peaking at 4:55 p.m. EST, on Dec. 31, 2023. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory, which watches the sun constantly, captured an image of the event.

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