Japan's Abe 'to review Fukushima' atomic crisis

Japan's incoming pro-nuclear premier Shinzo Abe said Sunday his government will again investigate the Fukushima atomic crisis, after which the country's reactors could be restarted, reports said.

Scientists pinpoint great-earthquake hot spots

The world's largest earthquakes occur at subduction zones - locations where a tectonic plate slips under another. But where along these extended subduction areas are great earthquakes most likely to happen? Scientists have ...

CA coastal panel mulls quake study near nuke plant

(AP)—California coastal regulators will decide whether to give a utility the go-ahead to use loud air cannons to map offshore earthquakes faults near a nuclear power plant.

Report says EU nuclear plants need better safety

(AP)—The cost of needed improvements to the 145 nuclear reactors in the European Union could run as high as €25 billion ($32 billion) over the coming years, the bloc's energy commissioner said Thursday.

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