InSight is catching rays on Mars

NASA's InSight has sent signals to Earth indicating that its solar panels are open and collecting sunlight on the Martian surface. NASA's Mars Odyssey orbiter relayed the signals, which were received on Earth at about 5:30 ...

Prototype nuclear battery packs 10 times more power

Russian researchers from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT), the Technological Institute for Superhard and Novel Carbon Materials (TISNCM), and the National University of Science and Technology MISIS have ...

Novel circuit design boosts wearable thermoelectric generators

Using flexible conducting polymers and novel circuitry patterns printed on paper, researchers have demonstrated proof-of-concept wearable thermoelectric generators that can harvest energy from body heat to power simple biosensors ...

Video: Femtosecond laser system

This femtosecond laser system, residing at the Molecular Photonics Laboratories at UNSW, fires laser pulses in femtoseconds—billionths of a second.

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