Machine learning predicts nanoparticle structure and dynamics

Researchers at the Nanoscience Center and at the Faculty of Information Technology at the University of Jyväskylä in Finland have demonstrated that new distance-based machine learning methods developed at the University ...

The nature of glass-forming liquids clarified

Glass is such a common material that you probably don't think about it much. It may surprise you to learn that researchers today still don't understand how glass forms. Figuring this out is important for glass industries ...

Stresses and flows in ultra-cold superfluids

Superfluids, which form only at temperatures close to absolute zero, have unique and in some ways bizarre mechanical properties. Yvan Buggy of the Institute of Photonics and Quantum Sciences at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, ...

Putting a nanomachine to work

A team of chemists at LMU has successfully coupled the directed motion of a light-activated molecular motor to a different chemical unit—thus taking an important step toward the realization of synthetic nanomachines.

Ships slide in an air envelope

Friction, corrosion, and biofilms are three major problems in shipping. The research project "Air-retaining Surfaces" (ARES) – a collaboration project of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and the universities of Bonn ...

A guide to hunting zombie stars

Apparently not all supernovas work. And when they fail, they leave behind a half-chewed remnant, still burning from leftover heat but otherwise lifeless: a zombie star. Astronomers aren't sure how many of these should-be-dead ...

How to make greener biofuels

The climate is under pressure. And despite a number of climate agreements, we still have not bent the curve on fossil fuel emissions, which continue to rise. One of the big sinners is the fuel we use for transport.

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