Pre-reptile may be earliest known to walk upright on all fours

A newly published analysis of the bones of Bunostegos akokanensis, a 260-million-year-old pre-reptile, finds that it likely stood upright on all-fours, like a cow or a hippo, making it the earliest known creature to do so.

Wireless network detects falls by the elderly

University of Utah electrical engineers have developed a network of wireless sensors that can detect a person falling. This monitoring technology could be linked to a service that would call emergency help for the elderly ...

The long winter ahead

Secluded from civilisation and living in a white desert, the crew at the Concordia research base in Antarctica have settled in to their home and are ready for the cold, long winter ahead.

3Qs: Obama administration fights gay marriage ban

The Department of Justice has filed an amicus brief asking the Supreme Court to strike down California's ban on same-sex marriage, arguing that it violates the Constitution's equal protection clause. Northeastern University ...

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