Related topics: dark matter

A Flight Simulator for the World's Smallest Beam

( -- Commissioning has begun at the Japan-based Accelerator Test Facility 2, a major technology test bed for future accelerators, including the proposed International Linear Collider, or ILC. During the two-year ...

Direct observation of the electron and positron capture process

Positrons are anti-particles of electrons. At SuperKEKB B-Factory (SuperKEKB), they are produced in copious amounts and smashed into electrons at world-record luminosity. By studying the hundreds of decay patterns of B mesons ...

Daylight hours impact opioid receptor levels in brown fat

Researchers from the Turku PET Centre, Finland, have observed that the length of daylight hours impacts opioid receptor levels in brown fat. When daylight hours shorten, the receptor activity levels elevate. A similar phenomenon ...

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