Image: Portugal burn scars

Southern Europe experienced a relentless heatwave this summer, fuelling wildfires in a number of countries.

Spain sends help to battle Portugal's wildfires

Spanish firefighters and water-dumping aircraft have bolstered Portuguese efforts to gain control of forest fires raging in the centre of the country, the European Commission said Monday.

Proba-V images Portuguese forest fire

ESA's Proba-V minisatellite has captured the forest fire raging in central Portugal, revealing blackened scars and columns of smoke as well as pinpointing active fire hotspots.

Portugal, a country helplessly prone to forest fires

As the temperature began to soar across the Iberian peninsula last week, everyone knew it was only a matter of time before fires started—they've become a summer fixture. But this time they came with a vengeance, one in ...

Quota to protect Mediterranean swordfish: EU, NGO

A conservation body grouping 50 fishing and shipping nations, approved a quota to protect the overharvested Mediterranean swordfish, the European Union and activist group Oceana announced Monday.

Portugal's Madeira Islands and mainland fires

There are several large fires burning on Portugal's Madeira Island and mainland and NASA-NOAA's Suomi NPP satellite captured an image of the smoke generated from them.

ARIEL mission to reveal 'Brave New Worlds' among exoplanets

An ambitious European mission is being planned to answer fundamental questions about how planetary systems form and evolve. ARIEL will investigate the atmospheres of several hundred planets orbiting distant stars. It is one ...

Human trafficking, an invisible problem

Human trafficking is a problem about which little is known in Spain, due to both the lack of reliable figures as well as the poor coordination among international police forces and the social permissiveness with regard to ...

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