Related topics: water

New technique reveals a role for histones in cell division

( —Proteins known as histones give structure to DNA, which coils around them like string on spools. But as is so often the case in biology, it turns out there is more to these structures than meets the eye. Scientists ...

Microtomography of multiphase flows in porous media

Multiphase flow in porous media occurs in many practical situations including carbon dioxide capture and storage, enhanced oil recovery, remediation of polluted ground, and soil science.

Research hones pore-scale models

The physical and chemical processes that occur at the scale of individual soil particles dictate the way fluids flow underground over much larger scales. To more accurately predict how plumes of subsurface fluids, such as ...

Nanoscale velcro used for molecule transport

Biological membranes are like a guarded border. They separate the cell from the environment and at the same time control the import and export of molecules. The nuclear membrane can be crossed via many tiny pores. Scientists ...

Researchers use virus to reveal nanopore physics

Nanopores may one day lead a revolution in DNA sequencing. By sliding DNA molecules one at a time through tiny holes in a thin membrane, it may be possible to decode long stretches of DNA at lightning speeds. Scientists, ...

New technology successfully removes heavy metals from water

The methods traditionally used to remove heavy metals from wastewater have limitations because they only withdraw a certain percentage and the remaining amount is very difficult to remove. This motivated a young graduate ...

Better catalysts for the petrochemical industry

When crude oil is refined to fuels and chemicals, help is at hand—in the form of so-called catalysts. Scientists now provide a reference parameter for the performance of an important class of catalysts for petrochemical ...

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