Related topics: water

Understanding surface science to manufacture quality cosmetics

A research team affiliated with UNIST has examined the rates of liquid penetration on rough or patterned surfaces, especially those with pores or cavities. Their findings provide important insights into the development of ...

How the forest copes with the summer heat

Between April and August this year, Switzerland and central Europe have experienced the driest summer season since 1864. The forest especially seems to suffer from this dry spell: As early as August, trees began to turn brown ...

Researchers discover non-canonical ion channel activation pathway

The passage of ions through the cell membrane is controlled by ion channels, which are protein complexes that regulate vital processes, such as the heartbeat, and are a target of drug development. Now, a study at the University ...

Why cereal crops are better

Cereal crops are much more drought-tolerant than other plants. Researchers from Würzburg have now found out why that is so. Their insight could help breed crops that are more resistant to drought.

The clouds of spaghetti that keep DNA data safe

Cells can avoid "data breaches" when letting signaling proteins into their nuclei thanks to a quirky biophysical mechanism involving a blur of spaghetti-like proteins, researchers from the Rockefeller University and the Albert ...

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