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Contented citizens vote against change

US citizens who have a high quality of life are more engaged in the direct democracy process, according to Ryan Yonk from Utah State University and Professor Shauna Reilly from Northern Kentucky University in the US. Their ...

Google -- an engine of knowledge creation?

Search engines like Google have become part of everyday life, not least in the academic context. But if knowledge is power, then search engines themselves are gaining ground as power nodes in their own right. Academic users ...

Malaysians win global Internet popularity contest

Malaysians are the most popular people on the Internet, while Japanese are the least, according to a global survey which shows how national cultures are reflected in online behaviour.

Once hot Digg slashes staff by over one-third

Digg, the news-sharing site once one of the hottest destinations on the Web, announced Monday it was cutting over one-third of its staff in a bid to try to be profitable next year.

Model describes Web page popularity

( -- How do some Web pages become popular? In a recent study, researchers have analyzed Wikipedia articles and a collection of all the Web pages of Chile to better understand the dynamics of online popularity. ...

Do have have a herding instinct?

( -- A new study shows that consumers have a herding instinct to follow the crowd. However, this instinct appears to switch off if the product fails to achieve a certain popularity threshold.

Study shows popular people are influenced by others

( -- Marketers looking to tap into social influencers as a means to promote their products should recognize that popular people aren't always the trailblazers.

Insecticidal toxin useless without 'friendly' bacteria accomplices

The toxin produced by the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is a popular insecticide used to control pest moths and butterflies, and in some GM pest-proof crops. In a study published in the open access journal BMC Biology, ...

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