How win-win narratives stand in the way of effective progress

The success of a global circular economy is critically dependent on effective cooperation between influential countries. A joint Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on circular economy, signed by China and the EU in 2018, attracted ...

6 tips to help you detect fake science news

I'm a professor of chemistry, have a Ph.D. and conduct my own scientific research, yet when consuming media, even I frequently need to ask myself: "Is this science or is it fiction?"

Rise of online right-wing extremism mapped in landmark study

Researchers from Macquarie and Victoria Universities have published the first study mapping the online activity of right-wing extremists in New South Wales. Their study has revealed a network of highly active, social, and ...

Facebook purges 251 accounts to thwart deception

Facebook on Thursday said it shut down 251 accounts for breaking rules against spam and coordinated deceit, some of it by ad farms pretending to be forums for political debate.

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