Last month the hottest November on record: EU

Last month was the hottest November on record as Europe basked in its highest Autumn temperatures in history, the European Union's satellite monitoring service said Monday.

Digital skills positively affect children's learning outcomes

Findings from 110 studies published in 64 countries point out that digital skills play a key role in children's and young people's learning, participation and other opportunities. International research also reveals that ...

Don't be fooled by pretty food, research warns

As the holiday season nears, thoughts of pumpkin pies, roasted chestnuts and turkey dinners fill our dreams and our grocery shopping lists. While visions of holiday food may be pleasing to the eyes and tantalizing to the ...

Divergent wildlife conservation perspectives in Africa

In African wildlife conservation, most documented experiences are from southern and south-eastern Africa; countries with well developed 'wildlife industries'. Their voices and perspectives are dominant, but a new paper in ...

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