The invisible killer lurking in our consumer products

Consumer products such as food, cosmetics and clothes might be filled with nanomaterials, unbeknownst to us. The use of nanomaterials remains unregulated and they do not show up in lists of ingredients. This is a cause of ...

Climate-driven temperature swings slow economic growth

Increasingly erratic weather caused by global warming threatens global economic growth, scientists warned Monday with a report showing that even short-lived climate volatility can have a significant impact.

A call for a global ban on lead paint

Once lead paint is on a wall, it becomes an expensive problem to fix. In impoverished settings, be they neighborhoods in Philadelphia or developing nations globally, remediation can be prohibitively costly.

Study examines attitudes toward climate change risk

A University of Otago study explored factors which influence Americans' levels of concern over climate change, providing discussion on how those factors could impact mitigation efforts.

Reef fish futures foretold

An international group of scientists is predicting markedly different outcomes for different species of coral reef fishes under climate change—and have made substantial progress on picking the 'winners and losers'.

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