Science denial not limited to political right

In the wake of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, many claims have been made that science denial, particularly as it relates to climate change, is primarily a problem of the political right.

Research examines stereotypes of immigrants to the United States

the largest and fastest-growing immigrant population in the U.S. - are viewed most negatively by Ohioans in a survey comparison of stereotypes of immigrants from Europe, Asia, the Middle East and Latin America. The research ...

Six reasons to be hopeful about fighting climate change

These days, it can be hard to keep a positive attitude when it comes to climate change. A new report warns that our warming climate could cause Himalayan glaciers to shrink by a third by 2100, jeopardizing the water supply ...

Why are action stars more likely to be Republican?

Fighting ability, largely determined by upper body strength, continues to rule the minds of modern men, according to a new study by Aaron Sell from Griffith University in Australia and colleagues. Their work explores the ...

Scientists: Research on environmental attitudes might be biased

The majority of research on environmental attitudes and behavior is coming from the United States and other English-speaking countries, a recent study by scientists from Lithuania and Austria reveals. Thus, the global applicability ...

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