Hackers gain access to transit police union site

(AP) -- Hackers on Wednesday again targeted a California transit agency that came under fire last week for turning off cell phone service in its stations to thwart a potential protest.

British teen remanded in custody over hacking

A British teenager charged with attacking websites as part of an international hacking group was remanded in police custody by a court Thursday while he assists a police investigation.

Dutch police arrest second teenager for hacking

Dutch police arrested a 19-year-old on suspicion of hacking a government website, the second teenage arrest for cyber attacks linked to the WikiLeaks fallout, prosecutors said on Saturday.

NYPD looking at futuristic weapons technology

(AP) -- The New York Police Department is looking into adapting futuristic technology that would allow officers' guns to recognize one another in an effort to avoid the type of friendly fire incident that left a cop dead ...

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