Related topics: police

UK police face parliament on tabloid phone hacking

(AP) -- A legislative committee is questioning senior London police officers about why they didn't pursue a phone hacking investigation at the tabloid News of the World two years ago.

Disasters unfold 'intelligently' on phone screens

( -- For the first time, a computer scientist has developed a method of making smart phones able to show a disaster unfolding in real-time on phone screens.

White House seeks spectrium for public safety

(AP) -- The Obama administration is throwing its support behind a plan to give a valuable chunk of radio waves to police officers, firefighters and emergency medical workers to build nationwide wireless broadband network ...

Smart uses of mobile phone power

For the first time smart phones and tablet PCs could be used by police officers to help solve crimes faster and more cheaply.

New technology for multi-tasking motorcycle officers

A motorcycle police officer on an urgent call faces huge information processing and decision-making demands. A new European research project aims to prevent potentially dangerous information overload.

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