Related topics: police

Chinese gay dating app grows to 15 million users

By day, Ma Baoli was a high-ranking officer in a seaside city police force. By night, he ran a website for gay people to share experiences and on which he spoke under a pseudonym about the pressure he faced as a homosexual.

Body cameras join cops on the beat in US

For a growing number of police officers in the United States, miniature video cameras are becoming as much a part of the uniform as a pistol, handcuffs and badge.

Police in US capital put body cameras to the test

Washington's city police force began putting body cameras to the test Wednesday, making the US capital the latest to use video technology as a routine part of law enforcement.

White House backs use of body cameras by police

Requiring police officers to wear body cameras is one potential solution for bridging deep mistrust between law enforcement and the public, the White House said, weighing in on a national debate sparked by the shooting of ...

Security guard industry lacks standards, training

Despite playing a more important role in the wake of 9/11, the security guard industry remains plagued by inadequate training and standards in many states, indicates new research by Michigan State University criminologists.

US, South African police smash cybercrime network

South African police said Wednesday they have smashed an international cybercrime network operating out of Pretoria and made several arrests in a joint operation with the United States.

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