Related topics: police

Body cameras, now gun cameras? Some police trying them out

A small number of police departments are showing interest in a new type of video camera that can be mounted directly on officers' guns, saying it may offer a better view of officer-involved shootings than body cameras. Some ...

Study links low self-control, use of deadly force

Police officers who exhibit low self-control in their personal lives are more likely to use deadly force on the job, according to a University of Texas at Dallas study.

Why big-data analysis of police activity is inherently biased

In early 2017, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel announced a new initiative in the city's ongoing battle with violent crime. The most common solutions to this sort of problem involve hiring more police officers or working more closely ...

Using data science to confront policing challenges

Increasing calls for changes in policing have departments across the country searching for new ways to build trust and protect citizens and officers alike. In response, police in Charlotte, N.C. and Nashville, Tenn. police ...

Swedes turn to social app to guard against crime

It's every parent's nightmare. You lose track of your 4-year-old at a playground, and the next thing you know, and you're running around, frantically asking people if they've seen your child.

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